Empirical formula Water, steam, gas
Empirical Formula of thr flow of Water, Steam, Gas
◎ Hazen and Williams Equation (Only water flow)
Q = 0.000599 d^2.63 c ((p1 - p2)/L)^0.54
Q : flow rate [l/min]
d : internal diameter [mm]
c : constant
140 - new steel pipe
130 - new cast iron pipe
110 - riveted pipe
p1 : inlet pressure [bar_g]
p2 : outlet pressure [bar_g]
L : length [m]
◎ Babcock Equation (Only steam flow)
△p = 6.76 ((d + 91.45)/d^6) W^2 L V
△p : pressure [bar_g]
d : internal diameter [mm]
W : flow rate [kg/hr]
L : length [m]
V : specific volume [m3/kg]
◎ Spitzglass 식 (Low pressure gas; 7kPa 이하)
q = 0.00338 √((△hw d^5)/(Sg L (1+ 91.5/d + 0.00118*d)))
q : flow rate [m3/hr] (@ 15℃, 1.013 bar_a)
hw : static pressure head [mm H2O]
d : internal diameter [mm]
Sg : specific gravity of gas [ ]
L : length [m]
◎ Weymouth 식 (High pressure gas)
q = 0.00261 d^2.667 √[((p1^2-p2^2) / (Sg Lm)) * (288/T)]
q : flow rate [m3/hr] (@ 15℃, 1.013 bar_a)
d : internal diameter [mm]
p1 : inlet pressure [bar_a]
p2 : outlet pressure [bar_a]
Sg : specific gravity of gas [ ]
Lm : length [km]
T : absolute temperature [K]
[이 게시물은 운영자님에 의해 2008-03-22 00:48:37 유체역학에서 이동 됨
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