What is the Equilibrium?
- Equilibrant Force, which keeps any object motionless and acts on virtually every object in the world that is not moving
- Equilibrium figures of Earth and planets (physical geodesy)
- Equilibrium mode distribution, the state of fiber optic or waveguide transmission in which the propagation mode does not vary with distance along the fiber or changes in the launch mode
- Hydrostatic equilibrium, the state of a system in which compression due to gravity is balanced by a pressure gradient force
- Hyperbolic equilibrium point, a mathematical concept in physics
- Mechanical equilibrium, the state in which the sum of the forces, and torque, on each particle of the system is zero
- Radiative equilibrium, the state where the energy radiated is balanced by the energy absorbed
- Secular equilibrium, a state of radioactive elements in which the production rate of a daughter nucleus is balanced by its own decay rate
- Thermodynamic equilibrium, the state of a thermodynamic system which is in thermal, mechanical, and chemical equilibrium (see below). When it is said that a system is simply "in equilibrium", this is often what is meant.
- Chemical equilibrium, the state in which the concentrations of the reactants and products have stopped changing in time.
- Diffusive equilibrium, when the concentrations of each type of particle have stopped changing.
- Thermal equilibrium, a state where an object and its surroundings cease to exchange energy in the form of heat, i.e. they are at the same temperature.**
- Donnan equilibrium, the distribution of ion species between two ionic solutions separated by a semipermeable membrane or boundary
- Dynamic equilibrium, the state in which two reversible processes occur at the same rate
- Equilibrium constant, a quantity characterizing a chemical equilibrium in a chemical reaction
- Partition equilibrium, a type of chromatography that is typically used in GC
- Quasistatic equilibrium, the quasi-balanced state of a thermodynamic system near to equilibrium in some sense or degree
- Schlenk equilibrium, a chemical equilibrium named after its discoverer Wilhelm Schlenk taking place in solutions of Grignard reagents
- Solubility equilibrium, any chemical equilibrium between solid and dissolved states of a compound at saturation
- Vapor–liquid equilibrium, where the rates of condensation and vapourization of a material are equal
출처: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_types_of_equilibrium>