Physical constants and Conversions
상태와 변화2016. 10. 24. 13:02
Physical Constants and Conversions
- Speed of light in vacuum c = 2.997 924 580 e8 m/s (exact)
- Planck's constant
- h = 6.6260755e-34 J-s
- h = 4.136e-15 eV-s
- hbar = h/2\pi = 1.05457266e-34 J-s
- hbar = 6.57e-16 eV-s
- electron charge q = 1.60217733e19 coulomb
- Gravitational Constant G 6.7259e-11 N m**2/kg**2
- Boltzmann's constant
- k = 1.380658e-23 J/K
- k = 8.617e-5 eV/K
- Stephan-Boltzmann constant \sigma = 5.67051e-8 W/m**2/K**4
- Permittivity of free space
- \epsilon = 8.854e-12 F/m = 1/c**2\mu
- \epsilon = 55.3 e/V-micron
- Permeability of free space \mu = 4 \pi e-7 H/m or Tesla/ampere
- Coulomb constant 8.988e9 N-m**2/coul**2
- Wavelength of a 1eV photon 1.243e-6 m
- thermal electron voltage (r.t.) kT/q = 25.86 mv
- energy of electron (r.t.) kT = .02586 eV
- energy (1 electron volt) 1 ev = 1.602e-19 J
- Quantum Hall Resistance 25812.8056 ohms
- Electron Rest Mass 9.1093897e-28 g
- Proton Rest Mass 1.6726231e-24 g
- Neutron Rest Mass 1.6749286e-24 g
- Magnetic flux quantum (hc/2e) 2.06783461e-15 Wb
- Quantum of circulation (h/2m_e) 3.63694807e-4 m**2/s
- Specific Electron Charge -e/m_e - 1.75881962e11 Coul/kg
- Electron Magnetic Moment \mu_e 9.2847701e-24 J/T
- Bohr Magneton 9.2740154e-24 J/Tesla
- Nuclear Magneton e h-bar/2m_p 5.0507866e-27 J/T
- Proton Magnetic Moment \mu_p 1.41060761e-26 J/T
- Faraday Constant F 9.6485309e4 Coulombs/mole
- Gas Constant R 8.314510 J/K/mole
- energy (calories) 1 cal = 4.184 J
- Bohr radius .529 angstrom
- Avogadro's number 6.0221367e23 atoms/mole
- Molar volume
- at 273.15K 1e5 Pa 22.71108e-3 m**3/mole
- at 273.15K 1 atm 22.41410e-3 m**3/mole
- atomic mass unit 1.6605402e-24 g
- Standard pressure (1 atm) 1.01325e5 Pa (Newton/m**2)
- 1 Torr = 1 mm Hg = 133.3 N/m**2 = 133.3 Pa
- 1 psi = 6.89e3 Pa
- 1 Curie 3.7e10 counts/s
Astronomical Units
- Solar Mass 1.989e33 g
- Solar Radius 6.9599e10 cm
- Solar luminosity 3.826e33 ergs/s
- Gravity at solar surface 2.74e4 cm/s**2
- Earth mass 5.976e27 g
- Earth equatorial radius 6378.164 km
- Gravity at earth's surface 980.665 cm/s**2
- Astronomical Unit 1.4959780e13 cm
- Solar effective temperature 5800K
- Solar magnitude -26.73
- Solar constant (1976) .1353 W/cm**2
- Julian century 36525 ephemeris days
- Tropical year (1900.0) 365.242 days
- Tropical year (1900.0) 3.1557e7 ephemeris seconds
- Ephemeris Day 86400 ephemeris seconds
- solar motion velocity 19.7 km/s
- Julian date for 1 Jan 1981: 2444605.5 days
- parsec 3.261633 light years
- parsec 3.085678e18 cm
- light year 9.460530e17 cm
- Xu 1.00208e-11 cm
- flux unit = Jansky = 1e-26 W/m**2/Hz
- Hubble constant 100 km/s/Mpc
Optical Constants
- 1 candle = 1 lumen/steradian
- 1 candle/m**2 = 3.142e-4 lambert
- 1 lambert = 2.054 candles/in**2
- 1 lux = 1 meter-candle
- 1 lux = .0929 foot-candle
- 1 lumen = 1 candle into an angle of 1 steradian
- 1 lumen = .001495 watts of light at 546 nm
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