열분석결과의 해석, TGA, DSC
'관련기술' 카테고리의 다른 글
DSC, TGA (0) | 2016.12.12 |
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열교환기 구조/기능
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'동력과 에너지' 카테고리의 다른 글
열교환기 구조/기능 (0) | 2016.12.12 |
원통다관식 열교환기 (0) | 2016.12.12 |
열과 일 (0) | 2016.10.24 |
LS 고압 인버터 (0) | 2016.10.24 |
인버터 시장 전망 (0) | 2016.10.24 |
Stabilizing Climate
제목 | Stabilising Climate |
보낸 사람 | Clive Best |
보낸 날짜 | 2016년 12월 12일 오전 4:14 |
In order to stop global warming all we really have to do is to stabilise CO2 emissions, not reduce them to zero! One of the 'myths' promoted by IPCC climate scientists is that we have to stop burning any fossil fuels i.e. we must 'keep it in the ground'. This is a total fallacy as I will try to explain in this post.
Carbon dioxide sources and sinks must balance once stability is reached
The origin of this belief that we must stop burning all fossil fuels by ~2050 can be traced back to Figure 10 which appeared in the AR5 'Summary for Policy Makers'. Here it is.
Figure 10 from SPM AR5
Figure 10 was intended to send a simple message to the world's political leaders. Namely that there is a finite total amount of fossil fuel that mankind can safely burn, and that we have already burned half of it. Therefore unless the major industrialised countries stop burning fossil fuels altogether by 2050, the world will warm far above 2C (red curve) causing a global disaster. This message worked, but there is so much wrong about the hidden assumptions and even subterfuge used to produce Figure 10 that I wrote a post about it at the time.
The principal assumptions hidden from view under Fig 10. are:
- Carbon sinks are saturating (they are not)
- ECS (Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity) is 3.5C (Uncertain – and could be as low as 1.5C)
- Replacement of logarithmic forcing of CO2 with a linear forcing.
As a direct consequence of IPCC successful lobbying based around Figure 10, the Paris treaty now proudly "sets the world on an irreversible trajectory on which all investment, all regulation and all industrial strategy must start to align with a zero carbon global economy". Does anyone really believe that this is even feasible, let alone realistic? It simply is not going to happen because well before then their citizens will revolt and kick them out. The best we can hope for in the short term is a stabilisation in the annual global CO2 emissions.
I argue that by simply stabilising emissions, we can halt global warming. Clearly the lower total 'stable' emissions are then the cooler the planet will be, but even if we only managed to stabilise emissions at current values the net warming will still be <2C and CO2 levels will stop rising and stabilise at <410 ppm.
Atmospheric CO2 levels must always reach an equilibrium as the natural carbon sinks will catch up to balance emissions. For the last 40 years about half of man-made emissions have been absorbed mainly into the oceans, but also into soils and biota. The reason why CO2 levels have been continuously increasing since 1970 is that we have been increasing emissions each year, so the sinks have never been able to catch up. Sinks will quickly balance emissions and CO2 levels will stop rising once emissions stop increasing. This fact is obvious because run-away CO2 levels have never happened in the earth's long history. Such a balancing mechanism has always stabilised atmospheric CO2 over billions of years during intense periods of extreme volcanic activity, ocean spreading and periodic tectonic mountain building. Fossil fuels are an insignificant fraction when compared to the buried carbon contained in sedimentary rocks.
To see how this works let's assume that the world can stabilise annual emissions at current rates of 34 Gtons CO2/year indefinitely. We know that CO2 sinks currently absorb half of that figure – 17 Gtons and have been increasing proportional to the increase in partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere – currently 400ppm. Stabilising emissions would result in the increasing fractional uptake by carbon sinks of the now fixed emissions. The remaining fraction of annual emissions that would remain in the atmosphere is therefore as follows.
Year 1: 50% Year 2: 25% Year 3: 12.5% etc. This is simply equal to the infinite sum
So CO2 levels in the atmosphere will taper off after just ~10 years to reach a new long term value equivalent to adding an additional 34 Gtons of CO2 to the atmosphere. The atmosphere currently contains 3.13 x 10^12 tons of CO2 so the net increase at equilibrium would be only an extra 1%. Therefore for the years following 2016 the resultant CO2 curve looks like this.
There is also a very good chance that we can achieve such a fixed limit, rather than pretend to meet an impossible target of zero emissions. However this does mean that CO2 levels will remain at 404 ppm indefinitely, which is far higher than a planet without human beings, but still leaves us plenty of time to replace fossil fuels, with new nuclear energy.
Controlling CO2 levels by stabilising emissions also has one huge advantage. It means that we can eventually control the level of 'enhanced global warming' so avoiding another devastating ice age, otherwise due to begin within 5000 years time.
'지구별 이야기 > 기후와 지구온난화' 카테고리의 다른 글
기후변화의 자연적인 원인 (0) | 2016.12.15 |
북극진동 (1) | 2016.12.15 |
Is the Supermoon responsible for record low Polar ice formation? (0) | 2016.11.22 |
Lowest amount of sea ice ever seen by humans during... (0) | 2016.11.22 |
올 겨울 춥다는데 (0) | 2016.11.18 |
Is the Supermoon responsible for record low Polar ice formation?
제목 | Is the Supermoon responsible for record low Polar ice formation? |
보낸 사람 | Clive Best |
보낸 날짜 | 2016년 11월 22일 오전 6:09 |
The "Supermoon" on November 14th coincided with the closest (perigean) approach to the earth of the moon since 1948. Tidal forces are inversely proportional to the cube of distance. Full moon occurs when the sun lines up with the moon and November 14th is close to the perigee of the earth's orbit round the sun. This combined to produce strong tides. At full moon in November the moon lies in the southern hemisphere . So for the Arctic it is the opposite facing tides that is strongest while for the Antarctic it is the direct lunar facing tide that dominates. They are symmetric. Here are my calculations of the tractional acceleration at different latitude covering November, based on the JPL ephemeris.
The tractional tidal force acting at 45N (green) and 75N (blue). Polar regions experience far greater tidal ranges during the lunar month than temperature regions. The Supermoon amplified this effect by about 20%. This enhanced tidal mixing and has probably inhibited ice formation since early October.
It is the tidal range that is maximised during a perigean spring tide. That is the difference between low and high tides. At high latitudes this effect is magnified as just one tide dominates and neap tides effectively disappear completely. This gives an extreme varying monthly tidal range. Tides act throughout the ocean, dragging both deep and shallow water alike. This increasing churning tidal flow since October has had two effects. First it has inhibited natural sea ice formation, and secondly mixed in more warmer water from lower latitudes than normal. These large tidal ranges look likely to continue till the end of 2016 before returning to normal.
The Arctic ocean also has relatively shallow basins with narrow channels at the Bering Sea and to the North Atlantic between Iceland-Scandinavia. This accentuates tidal flow.
Thanks to @Kata_basis for prompting me to look into this !
see also:
- Does the moon trigger interglacials
- Evidence of tidal effect on the polar jet stream
- Tidal effects in Polar regions
- The straw that broke the camels back
'지구별 이야기 > 기후와 지구온난화' 카테고리의 다른 글
북극진동 (1) | 2016.12.15 |
Stabilizing Climate (2) | 2016.12.12 |
Lowest amount of sea ice ever seen by humans during... (0) | 2016.11.22 |
올 겨울 춥다는데 (0) | 2016.11.18 |
2도 상승 (0) | 2016.11.08 |
Lowest amount of sea ice ever seen by humans during...
제목 | Lowest amount of sea ice ever seen by humans during... |
보낸 사람 | The Earth Story |
보낸 날짜 | 2016년 11월 22일 오전 12:00 |
Lowest amount of sea ice ever seen by humans during October/November
This week, this remarkable plot began blowing up on social media. The plot tracks global sea ice abundance – a combined measurement of the area covered by ice in both the Arctic and Antarctic. The red line, 2016, shows that Sea Ice extents globally are by far the lowest humans have ever recorded.
Normally at this time of year, Arctic Sea ice is beginning to recover from low volumes reached during the summer, while Antarctic Sea ice is beginning to contract as sunlight falls on that continent. On top of this yearly variation there have been several long-term trends imposed. Most notably, sea ice extents have been decreasing in the Arctic quite regularly for the last 30+ years – the time humans have been actively monitoring sea ice.
The lowest ever extent of sea ice was reached at the end of summer 2012, but that doesn't mean the sea ice has been recovering – instead, years since then have seen record low sea ice values "for specific months". In other words, the long-term trend is gradually decreasing sea ice due to climate change, and records at any time of the year are being broken when a perfect weather pattern hits. One of those weather patterns is hitting in the Arctic right now.
The North Pole right now is already shadowed for the winter. Usually this darkness is associated with plummeting temperatures since no heat from the sun can warm it, but for the past month there have been several times when North Pole temperatures have spiked above the freezing point of water; as much as 15°C above normal for this time of year. These temperatures are being driven by surges of warm air traveling up to the poles from lower latitudes.
Although this effect isn't fully understood yet, warm winter arctic weather combined with surges of colder air traveling south has been a feature of the last several northern hemisphere winters. It has been proposed that these surges are associated with weakening of the jet streams as climate warms – weaken the jet streams, the boundaries between different convection cells in the atmosphere, and it becomes easier for warm air to be pushed all the way up to the poles. So far this fall Siberia has been anomalously cold while the North Pole has been anomalously warm, consistent with this mechanism.
This warm air preventing ice growth also is combining with the low summer sea ice extent. Sea ice is bright and open water is dark, so when sea ice melts the water beneath will store more heat during the summer. 2016 had the 2nd lowest summer sea ice extent observed in the Arctic, so the Arctic Ocean waters are also warmer now than was typical before humans increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
Meanwhile, the real puzzle this year is the Antarctic. Sea ice in Antarctic has actually been increasing the last few years – a reminder that the Antarctic is a fundamentally different area than the Arctic. In the Antarctic, the presence of the ozone hole has driven more intense winds that have cooled surface waters and helped the formation of Antarctic sea ice. Furthermore, melting on the Antarctic continent has created a supply of fresh water heading into the oceans and fresh water freezes at higher temperature than salty water. Recent work has suggested this could only be a temporary situation – healing of the ozone hole (actually good!) could remove one of the factors protecting Antarctic Sea Ice, and another major factor could be extra warm water at depth. Several recent studies have suggested that Antarctic Sea Ice could be particularly vulnerable to extra warmth in the subsurface – add a bit of extra heat and that ice retreats rapidly.
Right now, there is likely less sea ice on Earth at this time of year than there has been in about a hundred thousand years – going back to before the last cycle of glacial advance. The downward trend, particularly in the Arctic, is extremely likely to continue in future years. It won't always produce an all-time low in September - that takes the perfect weather conditions at the perfect time of year – but when the right weather conditions do show up we'll get record lows for that time of year. Whether this year's rapid sea ice melting in Antarctica will be a one-time event is, as of now, an extremely important question with no good answer.
Sea ice in these areas represents a habitat for many organisms – a stable place where they can rest before heading out into the ocean. As sea ice extents fluctuate, these species are put under increasing threat. Furthermore, the more open ocean there is, the more heat the oceans can take up – so these drops in sea ice can contribute to warming the surrounding oceans and thus put continental ice sheets under even greater stress. Some scientists have been debating whether it is good communication to place all the Earth's sea ice on one chart when both poles are two distinct systems, but the threat to wildlife globally and the effect of warming oceans may represent reasonable worries based on this plot alone.
Data credit: NSIDC http://bit.ly/2frYJyk http://bit.ly/1jOd0VZ Read more: http://n.pr/2eBPFLv http://scienceblogs.com/stoat/2016/11/18/sea-ice-wossup/ http://cnn.it/2eRzeKH http://bit.ly/2gnschY
'지구별 이야기 > 기후와 지구온난화' 카테고리의 다른 글
Stabilizing Climate (2) | 2016.12.12 |
Is the Supermoon responsible for record low Polar ice formation? (0) | 2016.11.22 |
올 겨울 춥다는데 (0) | 2016.11.18 |
2도 상승 (0) | 2016.11.08 |
Jet stream (0) | 2016.10.26 |
올 겨울 춥다는데
여름 기록적 폭염 힘들게 견뎠는데…과학의 예보는 `올겨울 강추위`
기사입력 2016-11-18 16:04
"동짓날부터 3일 동안 남동풍이 불 것입니다. 화공(火攻)을 이용하면 적을 퇴치할 수 있습니다."
서기 208년, 조조의 80만 대군과 결전을 앞둔 유비에게 제갈공명은 신께 빌어 북서풍을 남동풍으로 바꾸겠다고 말했다. 유비의 부대는 불과 10만명. 남동쪽에 자리 잡은 유비는 북서풍이 부는 상황에서 불을 쓸 수 없었다. 불을 사용했다가 맞바람을 맞아 아군이 피해를 입을 수 있기 때문이다. 하지만 제갈공명의 예언은 적중했다. 음력 11월 20일부터 3일 동안 북서풍이 남동풍으로 바뀌었고, 조조의 대군은 쏟아지는 불화살에 궤멸당했다. 제갈공명의 기도에 온 우주가 나서서 도와준 것일까. 기상학자들은 제갈공명이 과거 바람의 기록을 토대로 남동풍이 불 것을 예측한 것으로 보고 있다.
겨울이 머지않았다. 매해 겨울 예상치 못한 추위가 찾아와 기상청의 예보를 무색하게 했다. 올겨울은 어떨까. 동아시아 지역의 겨울 날씨에 영향을 주는 요인을 토대로 겨울 날씨를 예측해봤다. 제갈공명처럼 정확한 예측은 어렵지만 어느 정도 예상은 할 수 있다. 결론부터 말하면 올겨울 날씨, 심상치 않다.
2012년 2월 한반도가 꽁꽁 얼었다. 2월 2일 서울 영하 17도, 철원 영하 24도 등 갑작스러운 혹한이 찾아왔다. 이는 2013년도에 이어 2014년, 2015년에도 이어졌다. 전문가들은 갑작스레 찾아온 한파의 원인을 '북극진동지수'에서 찾는다. 북극진동지수란 1998년 존 월리스 미국 워싱턴대 교수가 개발한 값으로 북반구 북위 60도 이상의 고위도와 중위도의 해면기압(기압은 관측하는 장소의 높이에 따라 달라지므로 관측 지점에서 얻은 기압을 해수면상에서의 기압 값으로 바꿔 계산한 것으로 통상 약 9m 하강할 때마다 1hPa을 올린다) 차이를 의미한다.
북극진동지수는 '0'을 기준으로 -5~+5 사이의 값으로 표현된다. 만약 북극 기온이 올라가면 기압도 올라가지만 중위도 지방의 기압은 낮아진다. 북극진동지수는 이 상태를 '음(-)'으로 표기한다. 북극진동지수가 음의 값을 띠며 약해지면 북극에 존재하는 영하 60~70도의 찬 공기를 막고 있는 제트기류도 덩달아 약해지면서 한반도 지역으로 찬 공기가 이동해 예상치 못한 한파가 들이닥친다.
미국 국립해양대기국(NOAA) 기후예측센터에 따르면 북극진동지수는 10월 들어서면서 떨어졌다가 11월 16일 현재 양의 값을 기록했다. 하지만 안심할 수 없다. 김백민 극지연구소 선임연구원은 "북극진동지수 값은 굉장히 민감하기 때문에 일시적인 상태 값만으로 겨울 날씨를 예측하는 것은 한계가 있다"며 "올해 유독 북극진동지수는 음의 값을 계속해서 유지하고 있었던 만큼 일시적으로 양의 값을 회복한 것인지 지켜볼 필요가 있다"고 말했다. 현재 북극진동지수 값을 갖고 올겨울 날씨를 성급하게 예측할 수 없지만 전반적으로 음의 값을 유지할 가능성이 큰 만큼 초겨울 예상치 못한 한파가 올 수 있다.
북극 빙하 면적도 한반도 겨울에 영향을 미친다. 빙하가 녹으면 북쪽 공기의 상층부와 하층부 간 기온차가 작아진다. 결국 앞서 이야기한 북극진동을 약화시키는 결과를 낳는다. 북극에 있는 차가운 공기가 동아시아 지역으로 밀려 들어와 한파는 물론 폭설까지 일으킬 수 있다. 미국 국립빙설자료센터 자료에 따르면 2016년 10~11월 북극 빙하 면적은 빙하 면적이 가장 줄었던 2012년보다 더 줄어든 것으로 나타났다. 올여름 지구가 가장 뜨거웠던 만큼 빙하 면적도 많이 줄어든 것이다. 김백민 선임연구원은 "빙하 면적의 감소는 초겨울 예상치 못한 추위를 일으킬 수 있다"고 말했다.
지구에서 가장 추운 지역으로 꼽히는 시베리아. 시베리아에 쌓인 눈의 양은 동아시아는 물론 미국과 유럽 등 전 세계에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 하얀 눈은 햇빛의 70~80%를 반사해 우주로 되돌려보낸다. 반대로 눈이 덮이지 않은 땅은 20% 정도만을 반사한다. 눈이 많이 쌓일수록 햇빛이 반사되면서 땅의 온도는 점점 떨어지고 공기는 차가워진다. 차가워진 공기 덩어리가 이동하면서 한파가 찾아온다.
올해 시베리아 지역은 겨울이 빨리 시작됐다. 상당히 많은 눈이 내렸기 때문이다. 10월 눈이 덮인 시베리아 면적은 약 1500만㎢. 1968년 관측 이후 세 번째로 많은 눈이 쏟아졌다. 알래스카를 포함한 미국 전체 대륙보다도 넓다. 시베리아 지역에서 만들어진 찬 공기는 미국뿐 아니라 동아시아 지역까지 이동하며 예상치 못한 한파를 일으킨다. 북쪽에서 만들어진 차가운 공기는 남쪽에서 올라오는 따듯한 공기와 만나면서 폭설을 일으킬 가능성도 있다.
주다 코언 미국 매사추세츠공대(MIT) 교수는 "시베리아 지역에 쌓인 눈은 초겨울은 물론 겨울 중반부까지도 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다"고 말했다. 지난해 겨울 미국과 유럽 등에서 발생한 이례적인 폭설도 시베리아 지역에 많이 쌓인 눈이 원인이라는 분석이 나오고 있다.
올겨울은 '라니냐'까지 한반도에 영향을 미칠 가능성도 있다. 일반적으로 라니냐가 나타나면 한반도의 겨울 기온은 떨어진다. 라니냐는 동태평양의 적도 지역에서 해수면 온도가 평년보다 0.5도 이상 낮은 저수온 현상이 5개월 이상 일어나 생기는 이상 현상을 말한다. 라니냐로 인해 북서태평양 지역에 저기압이 형성되면 상승기류가 형성되면서 반대로 남북 방향으로 하강기류가 만들어진다.
김선태 APEC기후센터 기후연구팀장은 "라니냐가 발생하면 남북 방향에 있는 시베리아 쪽에 하강기류가 발달한다"며 "시베리아 고기압이 강화돼 찬바람이 한반도로 불어온다"고 설명했다. 현재 기상청은 물론 전 세계 여러 기상 관련 기관들은 올겨울 라니냐가 지속될 확률을 50%로 보고 있다. 김선태 팀장은 "지난여름 유독 더웠던 날씨 등 계속되는 기상이변이 한반도 기후에 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 대한 추가 분석이 필요하다"고 말했다.
[원호섭 기자]
'지구별 이야기 > 기후와 지구온난화' 카테고리의 다른 글
Is the Supermoon responsible for record low Polar ice formation? (0) | 2016.11.22 |
Lowest amount of sea ice ever seen by humans during... (0) | 2016.11.22 |
2도 상승 (0) | 2016.11.08 |
Jet stream (0) | 2016.10.26 |
Global Warming (0) | 2016.06.28 |
VOC 제거를 위한 환경촉매 설계
'관련기술' 카테고리의 다른 글
TGA, 열중량분석기 (0) | 2016.12.12 |
열분석결과의 해석, TGA, DSC (0) | 2016.12.12 |
촉매연소 기술을 이용한 대기오염 저감 기술 (0) | 2016.11.11 |
활성탄소 섬유 (0) | 2016.10.27 |
세탁소용 필터 (0) | 2016.10.27 |